@database AssignWedge.guide @author "Olaf `Olsen' Barthel" @$VER: AssignWedge.guide 1.0 (23.12.94) @node Main "AssignWedge" AssignWedge utility for operating system release v2.04 or higher Written by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel Public Domain (Really!) I. @{" Introduction " link Introduction} II. @{" Installation " link Installation} III. @{" Troubleshooting " link Troubleshooting} IV. @{" Credits " link Credits} V. @{" History " link History} @endnode @node Introduction On the Amiga, many programs require a particular logical device name or assignment to point to a drawer or volume to find their data. If you forget to place such an assignment in your User-Startup file or take care of it by hand you will sooner or later see the familiar "Please insert volume ... in any drive" requester popping up. AssignWedge `wedges' into the operating system routine responsible for bringing up this requester, giving you the choice to take one of the following actions using the mouse: Retry If you have taken care of the assignment or device yourself, this will cause the action that brought up the requester to be repeated. Assign This will create an assignment under the name displayed in the requester. You just have to pick the drawer to tie it to. Mount Assuming that the device displayed in the requester can be mounted, this will execute the AmigaDOS `Mount' command and then repeat the action that brought up the requester. This effectively denies the program that brought up this requester to refer to the device in question. Whenever it refers to it, no requester will appear asking you to insert the volume in question. Instead, the program to ask for the volume will see any attempt to access the volume failing. Cancel Denies the program request to access the volume. It's as simple as that. The Deny option can be a little dangerous. Some programs simply don't accept that the volume or assignment name they wish to access is unavailable. In such a case, the program will retry to access the volume over and over again in a row without getting anywhere. The only noticeable effect is that the system performance drops sharply. Be prepared. To get rid of AssignWedge, simply run it a second time. @endnode @node Installation AssignWedge is installed by dropping the program icon into your WBStartup drawer, that's all. Now there is a @{b}catch@{ub}, nothing dangerous actually, but it can become quite annoying. If you happen to use a program which takes over or replaces your system requesters (such as ARQ or RTPatch) you @{b}must@{ub} make sure that you invoke AssignWedge @{b}after@{ub} ARQ or RTPatch get invoked. If you forget about it, the first thing AssignWedge will do is put up a requester asking you to insert a volume "AssignWedge.07321148:" or something similar. If this is what happens, you've lost. If you wish to run the program in your preferred language Workbench 2.1, 3.0 or 3.1 are required. There is a drawer called "Catalogs" which you should copy to your "LOCALE:" drawer. Enter "copy catalogs locale: all" in the Shell and press return. Currently, only dutch, english, french and german versions of the program text are available. @endnode @node Troubleshooting If you see the program crashing, stop working, formatting your harddrive, feeding your hamster to the neighbour's dog or telling your fianc e about the embarassing thing that happened last Christmas party you may not necessarily be hallucinating, at least as far as the bit about crashing and stopping to work is concerned. If the program crashes, I probably don't know why it does so. If you wish to report this rather than to delete the darn thing, please give the necessary details regarding your system configuration, including the things you don't think are important. If AssignWedge simply doesn't work for you and puts up a file requester asking you to insert a volume called "AssignWedge.07321148:" (or a similar name) then there probably is a different program already running trying to accomplish the same thing AssignWedge does, which is patching the operating system in order to display system requesters in a different fashion. To avoid this kind of trouble, make sure that AssignWedge is the last program in the WBStartup drawer that gets invoked. This is accomplished by adding the entry "STARTPRI=-128" to the list of program icon tooltypes. You probably don't need to do this as the icon supplied with the program already has this entry set. But you may need to modify other icons found in the WBStartup drawer which also make use of the "STARTPRI" tooltype. Good luck, you're on your own here. Parlez-vous fran ais? Do you speak english? Sind Sie gegen Wasserschaden versichert? M wisz po polsku? If you're running Workbench v2.1, v3.0 or v3.1 you probably take advantage of the localization support built into the operating system which allows you to use the language of your choice for system messages and such. AssignWedge fully supports this operating system feature, but will get into trouble if you change the language using the Locale preferences editor while AssignWedge is running. In this case, you should terminate the program by running AssignWedge a second time and then restart it again. @endnode @node Credits Really, AssignWedge wasn't my idea. Steve Tibbett wrote the original AssignX which did basically what AssignWedge does now. It didn't work well for me, especially when using Workbench 2.1, so I started to rewrite the original program. I was unsatisfied with the result and finally rewrote the program from the ground up. It no longer shares any code with the original AssignX, it's a completely new program. If you wish to tell me of your troubles regarding AssignWedge, here is my postal address: Olaf Barthel Brabeckstrasse 35 D-30559 Hannover Federal Republic of Germany And this is my eMail address: olsen@sourcery.han.de Contrary to common belief, I do check my eMail folder about once every day while the heap of real world mail that keeps growing on my table has my attention only about once a week. I suspect that this is the result of a subtle shift in the time space continuum right behind my waste paper basket, but maybe I'm just lazy. I am indebted to the following people: Martin Huttenloher created the neat icon Benoit Mortier is responsible for the french localization of the program text. Benoit also wrote a french edition of the original documentation which is not included in this distribution. Edmund Vermeulen took care of the dutch localization. Alessandro Ponzio wrote the italian localization. The danish localization was created by Klaus Seistrup. Marcin Or owski wrote the polish localization. This catalog will also be included in the official polish locale package W.F.M.H. Kai Iske turned my attention to the bugs & misfeatures the first AssignWedge release had. Thank you very much! @endnode @node History A colon was missing in the line that builds the mount command line. Consequently, the device in question could not be mounted. This version fixes a number of long standing bugs. Very long standing in fact, I could have fathered a child since the last release. But back to the facts. The first release was very vulnerable concerning Enforcer hits. Also, when running out of stack space the first release could easily crash, it now allocates enough stack space for itself. @endnode